Яэль Любин

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Яэль Любин

ивр. יעל לובין
יעל לובין.jpg
Дата рождения
23 сентября 1945 года
Место рождения
Кембридж, штат Массачусетс, США

Яэль Любин (англ. Yael Lubin, ивр. יעל לובין) — израильский арахнолог, профессор Университета имени Бен-Гуриона[1].


Родилась 23 сентября 1945 года в Кембридже, штат Массачусетс.

В 1955 году со своей семьей репатриировалась в Израиль.

После школы поступила в Еврейский университет в Иерусалиме, в 1964 году оставила его, чтобы учиться в Соединенных Штатах.

В 1967 году получила степень бакалавра, а в 1968 году — магистра в Колумбийском университете в Нью-Йорке.

В 1972 году получила докторскую степень в Университете Флориды.

Изучала социальных насекомых в Панаме, Венесуэле и в Новой Гвинее.

В 1984 году поступила на работу в Институт исследований пустынь в Университете им. Бен-Гуриона в Негеве, с 1995 года — профессор, в 2001—2005 годах — заведующая кафедрой экологии пустынь.

Основные исследования сосредоточены на социальных пауках, сексуальном отборе у пауков, использовании пауков для борьбы с вредителями в сельском хозяйстве.


Список трудов  
  • Applebaum, S.W. and Y. Lubin. 1967. The comparative effects of vitamin deficiency on development and on adult fecundity of Tribolium castaneum. Ent. exp. & appl., 10:23‑30.
  • Lubin, Y. D. 1973. Web structure and function: the non‑ adhesive orb‑web of Cyrtophora moluccensis (Doleschall) (Araneae: Araneidae). Forma et Functio, 6:337‑358
  • Lubin, Y. D. 1974. Adaptive advantages and the evolution of colony formation in Cyrtophora (Araneae: Araneidae). Zool. J. *Linnean Soc., London, 54: 321‑339
  • Robinson, M. H., Y. D. Lubin, & B. Robinson. 1974. Phenology and natural history of web‑building spiders on three transects at Wau, New Guinea. Pacific Insects, 16:118‑162
  • Lubin, Y. D. 1975. Stabilimenta and barrier webs in the orb webs of Argiope argentata on Daphne and Santa Cruz Islands, Galapagos. J. Arachnology, 2: 119‑126
  • Lubin, Y. D., G. G. Montgomery & O. P. Young. 1977. Food resources of Neotropical anteaters (Edentata: Myrmecophagidae): A year’s census of arboreal nests of ants and termites on Barro Colorado Island, Panama Canal Zone. Biotropica, 9:26‑34
  • Lubin, Y.D. 1978. Seasonal abundance and diversity of web‑building spiders in relation to habitat structure on Barro Colorado Island, Panama Canal Zone. J. Arachnology, 6:31‑51
  • Lubin, Y. D., W. G. Eberhard & G. G. Montgomery. 1978. Webs of Miagrammopes (Araneae: Uloboridae) in the Neotropics. Psyche, 85:1‑23
  • Montgomery, G. G. & Y. D. Lubin. 1978. Social structure and food habits of the crab‑eating fox (Cerdocyon thous) in the Venezuelan llanos. Acta Cientifica Venezolana, 29:382‑383
  • Montgomery, G. G. & Y. D. Lubin. 1978. Movements of Coendu prehensislis in the Venezuelan Llanos. J. Mammalogy, 59:887‑888
  • Robinson, M. H. & Y. D. Lubin. 1979. Specialists and generalists: The ecology and behavior of some web‑building spiders from *Papua New Guinea. I. Herrenia ornatissima, Argiope ocyaloides and Arachnura melanura (Araneae: Araneidae). Pacific Insects, 21:97‑132.
  • Robinson, M. H. & Y. D. Lubin. 1979. Specialists and generalists: The ecology and behavior of some web‑building spiders from Papua New Guinea. II. Psechrus argentatus and Fecenia sp. (Araneidae: Psechridae). Pacific Insects, 21:133‑164
  • Lubin, Y. D. 1980. The predatory behavior of Cyrtophora (Araneae: Araneidae). J. Arachnology, 8:159‑185
  • Lubin, Y. D. 1980. Population studies of two colonial orb‑weaving spiders. Zool. J. Linnean Soc., London, 70:265‑278
  • Lubin, Y. D. & G. G. Montgomery. 1981. Defenses of Nasutitermes termites (Isoptera: Termitidae) against Tamandua anteaters (Edentata: Myrmecophagidae). Biotropica, 13:66‑76.
  • Levi, H. W. , Y. D. Lubin & M. H. Robinson. 1982. Two new species of Achaearanea from Papua New Guinea, with notes on other theridiid spiders (Araneae: Theridiidae). Pacific Insects, 24: 105‑114
  • Lubin, Y. D. 1982. Does the social spider Achaearanea wau (Theridiidae) feed its young? Z. Tierpsychol., 60:127‑134
  • Lubin, Y. D. & S. Dorugl. 1982. The effectiveness of single‑thread webs as insect traps: Sticky trap models. Bull. British Arachnological Soc., 5:399‑407.
  • Lubin, Y. D. B. P. Opell, W. G. Eberhard & H. W. Levi. 1982. Orb plus cone‑webs in Uloboridae (Araneae), with a description of a new genus and four new species. Psyche, 89:29‑64
  • Lubin, Y. D. & M. H. Robinson. 1982. Dispersal by swarming in social spiders. Science, 216:319‑321
  • Adis, J., Y. D. Lubin & G. G. Montgomery. 1984. Species diversity and biomass of arthropods in the canopies of trees from three types of forests near Manaus, Brazil. Studies on the Neotropical Fauna & Environment, 19:223‑236
  • Lubin, Y. D. 1984. Changes in the native fauna of the Galapagos Islands following invasion by the little fire ant, Wasmannia auropunctata. Biol. J. Linnean Soc., London, 21:229‑242
  • Blum, M. S., T. H. Jones, H. A. Lloyd, H. M. Fales, R. R. Snelling, Y. D. Lubin & J. Torres. 1985. Poison gland products of Solenopsis and Monomorium species. J. Entomol. Sci., 20:254‑257
  • Lubin, Y. D. & R. H. Crozier. 1985. Electrophoretic evidence for population differentiation in a social spider, Achaearanea wau Levi (Theridiidae). Insectes Sociaux, 32:297‑304.
  • Lubin, Y. D. 1986. Courtship and alternative mating tactics in a social spider. J. Arachnology, 14:239‑258
  • Wanless, F. & Y. D. Lubin. 1986. A new species of ‘horned salticid’ (Araneae: Salticidae) from New Britain Island in Papua New Guinea. J. Nat. Hist., 20:1211‑1220
  • Safriel, U. N., Y. Ayal, B. Kotler, Y. Lubin, L. Olsvig‑Whittaker & B. Pinshow. 1989. What’s special about desert ecology? Introduction. J. Arid Environments, 17:125‑130
  • Konigswald, A., Y. Lubin & D. Ward. 1990. The effectiveness of the nest of a desert widow spider, Latrodectus revivensis, in predator deterrence. Psyche, 97:75‑80
  • Lubin, Y. D. & J. R. Henschel. 1990. Foraging at the thermal limit: Burrowing spiders (Seothyra, Eresidae) in the Namib desert dunes. Oecologia, 84:461‑467
  • Kotzman, M. Y. Lubin & M. Goldberg. 1991. Activity of burrow‑dwelling scorpions revealed at the surface. Acta Zoologica Fennica, 190:205-208.
  • Lubin, Y. D. 1991. Patterns of variation in female‑biased colony sex ratios in a social spider. Biol. J. Linnean Soc., London, 43:297-311.
  • Lubin, Y. M. Kotzman & S. Ellner. 1991. Ontogenetic and seasonal changes in webs and websites of a desert widow spider. J. Arachnology, 19:40-48.
  • Henschel, J. R. & Y. D. Lubin. 1992. Environmental factors affecting the web and activity of a psammophilous spider in the Namib desert. J. Arid Environments, 22:173-189.
  • Henschel, J.R., D. Ward and Y. Lubin. 1992. The importance of thermal factors for nest-site selection, web construction and behaviour of Stegodyphus lineatus (Araneae: Eresidae) in the Negev desert. J. Thermal Biology, 17:97-106.
  • Ward, D. and Y. Lubin. 1992. Temporal and spatial segregation of web building in a community of orb-weaving spiders. J. Arachnology, 20:73-87.
  • Lubin, Y., S. Ellner & M. Kotzman. 1993. Web relocation and habitat selection in a desert widow spider. Ecology, 74:1915-1928.
  • Ward, D. and Y. Lubin. 1993. Habitat selection and the life history of a desert spider, Stegodyphus lineatus (Eresidae). J. Animal Ecology, 62:353-363.
  • Turner, J.S., Henschel, J.R. and Y. Lubin. 1993. Thermal constraints on prey capture behaviour of a burrowing spider in a hot environment. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology, 33:35-43.
  • Anava A. & Y. Lubin. 1993. Presence of gender cues in the web silk of a widow spider, Latrodectus revivensis, and a description of courtship behaviour. Bull. British Arachnological Soc., 9:119-122.
  • Proszynski, J. & Y. Lubin. 1994. Pitfall trapping of Salticidae (Araneae) in the Negev Desert. Proc. 14th European Colloquium of Arachnology, Boll. Acc. Gioenia Sci. Nat., 26:281-291.
  • Lubin, Y. 1995. Is there division of labour in the social spider, Achaearanea wau (Theridiidae)? Animal Behaviour, 49:1313-1323.
  • Borkan, J. Gross, E., Lubin, Y. & Oryan, I. 1995. An outbreak of venomous spider bites in a citrus grove. J. Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 52:228-230.
  • Zemel, A. & Lubin, Y. 1995. Intergroup competition and stable group size. Animal Behaviour, 50:485-488.
  • Henschel, JR, Lubin, Y. & Schneider, J. 1995. Sexual competition in an inbreeding social spider, Stegodyphus dumicola (Araneae: Eresidae). Insectes Sociaux, 42:419-426.
  • Henschel, J.R., Schneider, J. and Lubin, Y. 1995. Dispersal mechanisms by the spiders Stegodyphus: Do they balloon? J. Arachnology, 23:202-204.
  • Lubin, Y. & Henschel, J.R. 1996. The influence of food supply on foraging decisions in a desert spider. Oecologia, 105:64-73.
  • Schneider, J. & Lubin, Y. 1996. Infanticidal male eresid spiders. Nature, 381:655-656.
  • Schneider, J. & Y. Lubin. 1997. Does high mortality explain semelparity in the spider Stegodyphus lineatus (Eresidae). Oikos, 79:92-100.
  • Schneider, J. & Y. Lubin. 1997. Male infanticide in a spider with suicidal brood care, Stegodyphus lineatus (Eresidae). Animal Behaviour, 54:305-312.
  • Henschel, J.R. & Y. Lubin. 1997. Site selection at two spatial scales by a sit-and-wait predator. J. Animal Ecology, 66: 401—413.
  • Lubin, Y. & Ayal, Y. 1997. Theoretical aspects of biodiversity and their application to conservation of land invertebrates in Israel. In, Ecology and Environment, 3(4):123-127 (in Hebrew, English summary).
  • Lubin, Y., J. Hennicke & J. Schneider. 1998. Natal philopatry and settling decisions of dispersing Stegodyphus lineatus (Eresidae) young. Israel J. Zoology 44:217-226.
  • Brandt, J. and Y. Lubin. 1998. An experimental manipulation of vegetation structure: consequences for desert spiders. Israel J. Zoology 44:201-216.
  • Whitehouse, M.E.A. & Y. Lubin. 1998. Relative seasonal abundance of five spider species in the Negev desert: Intraguild interactions and their implications. Israel J. Zoology 44:187-200.
  • Pasquet, A., Leborgne, R. & Lubin, Y. 1999. Optimal foraging, predation risk and life history of a desert spider, Stegodyphus lineatus (Eresidae). Behavioural Ecology, 10:115-121
  • Schneider, J. & Lubin, Y. 1998. Intersexual conflict in spiders. Oikos (special issue: Costs of Reproduction, ed. H. Ylonen), 83:496-506
  • Crouch, T., Lubin, Y. & Bodasing, M. 1998. Dispersal in the social spider Stegodyphus mimosarum Pavesi 1883 (Araneae: Eresidae). Durban Museum Novitates 23: 52-55.
  • Johannesen, J. & Lubin, Y. 1999. Group founding and breeding structure in the subsocial spider Stegodyphus lineatus (Eresidae). Heredity, 82:677-686
  • Whitehouse, M.A.E. & Lubin, Y. 1999. Strategic interference competition by individuals in social spider foraging groups. Animal Behaviour, 58: 677—688
  • Amir, N., Whitehouse, M. E. A. & Lubin, Y. 2000. Food consumption and competition in a communally feeding social spider, Stegodyphus dumicola (Eresidae). Journal of Arachnology, 28: 195—200.
  • Crouch, T. & Y. Lubin, Y. 2000. Effects of climate and prey availability on foraging in the social spider Stegodyphus mimosarum (Araneae, Eresidae). Journal of Arachnology, 28:158-168
  • Schneider, J.M., Roos, J., Lubin, Y. & Henschel, J.R. 2001. Dispersal of Stegodyphus dumicola: they do balloon after all! J. Arachnol., 29: 114—116
  • Johannesen, J. and Y. Lubin. 2001. Evidence for kin structured-group founding and limited juvenile dispersal in the subsocial spider Stegodyphus lineatus. J. Arachnol., 29: 413—422
  • Lubin, Y., Henschel, J.R. & Baker, M.B. 2001. Costs of aggregation: shadow competition in a sit-and-wait predator. Oikos, 95:59-68
  • Crouch, T. & Y. Lubin. 2001. Population stability and extinction in a social spider Stegodyphus mimosarum (Araneae: Eresidae). Biol. J. Linnean Soc. 72: 409—417
  • Bilde, T. & Y. Lubin. 2001. Kin recognition and cannibalism in a subsocial spider. J. Evol. Biol. 14: 959—966
  • Whitehouse, M.E.A., Shochat, E., Shachak, M. & Lubin, Y. 2002. The influence of scale and patchiness on spider diversity in a semi-arid environment. Ecography 25:395-404.
  • Ainsworth, C., Slotow, R., Crouch, T. & Lubin, Y. 2002. Lack of task differentiation during prey capture in the group-living spider Stegodyphus mimosarum. Journal of Arachnology 30:39-46
  • Bilde, T. Maklakov, A. Taylor P. & Lubin, Y. 2002. State dependent decisions in nest-site choice in a spider. Animal Behaviour 64:447-452
  • Lubin, Y. & Crouch, T.C. 2003. Trial by fire: Social spider colony dynamics in periodically burned grassland. African Zoology 38:145-151
  • Segev, O., Ziv, M. & Lubin, Y. 2003. The male mating system in a desert widow spider. Journal of Arachnology 31:379-393
  • Schneider, J.M., Salomon, M. & Lubin, Y. 2003. Limited adaptive life-history plasticity in a semelparous spider, Stegodyphus lineatus (Eresidae). Evolutionary Ecology Research 5: 731—738.
  • Maklakov, A.A., Bilde, T. and Lubin, Y. 2003. Vibratory courtship in a web-building spider: signaling quality or stimulating the female? Animal Behaviour 66: 623—630
  • Pekár, S & Lubin, Y. 2003. Habitats and interspecific associations of zodariid spiders in the Negev (Araneae: Zodariidae). Israel Journal of Zoology 49 (4):255-267.
  • Maklakov AA & Lubin Y. 2004. Sexual conflict over mating in a spider: increased fecundity does not compensate for the costs of polyandry. Evolution, 58:1135-1140
  • Maklakov, A.A., Bilde, T. & Lubin, Y. 2004. Sexual selection for increased male body size and protandry in a spider. Animal Behaviour, 68:1041-1048
  • Segoli, M., Maklakov, A., Gavish, E., Tsurim, I. and Lubin, Y. 2004.The effect of previous foraging success on web-building behavior in the sheet-web spider, Frontinellina cf. frutetorum (Araneae Linyphiidae). Ecology, Ethology and Evolution, 16: 291—298.
  • Maklakov, A.A., T. Bilde & Y. Lubin. 2005. Sexual conflict in the wild: Elevated mating rate reduces female lifetime reproductive success. American Naturalist 165 Supplement: S38-S45
  • Johannesen, J, Lubin, Y, Laufs, T & Seitz, A. 2005. Dispersal history of a desert spider (Stegodyphus lineatus) in contiguous deserts: vicariance and recent range expansion. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 84:739-754.
  • Whitehouse, M.E.A. and Lubin, Y. 2005. The function of societies and the evolution of group living: Spider societies as a test case. Biological Reviews 80: 347—361
  • Salomon, M., Schneider, J. Lubin, Y. 2005. Maternal investment in a spider with suicidal maternal care, Stegodyphus lineatus (Araneae, Eresidae). Oikos 109:614-622
  • Pekár, S., Hrušková, M. & Lubin, Y. 2005. Can solitary spiders (Araneae) cooperate in prey capture? Journal of Animal Ecology 74:63-70
  • Bilde, T., Lubin, Y. Smith, D. Schneider, J. & Maklakov, A.A. 2005. The transition to social inbred mating systems in spiders — *Role of inbreeding tolerance in a subsocial predecessor. Evolution 59: 160—174
  • Pekár, S., Kral, J. & Lubin, Y. 2005. Natural history and karyotype of some ant-eating zodariid spiders (Araneae, Zodariidae) from Israel. Journal of Arachnology 33:50-62
  • Erez, T., Schneider, J.M. & Lubin, Y. 2005. Is male cohabitation costly for females of the spider Stegodyphus lineatus (Eresidae)? Ethology 111:693-704.
  • Segoli, M., Harari, A.R. & Lubin, Y. 2006. Limited mating opportunities and male monogamy: A field study of white widow spiders, Latrodectus pallidus (Theridiidae). Animal Behavior, 72: 635—642
  • Maklakov, A.A. & Lubin, Y. 2006. Indirect genetic benefits of polyandry in a spider with direct costs of mating. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology, 61: 31-38
  • Maklakov, A.A., Bilde, T. And Lubin, Y. 2006. Inter-sexual combat and resource allocation into body parts in the spider, Stegodyphus lineatus. Ecological Entomology, 31: 564—567.
  • Johannesen, J., Lubin, Y. Bilde, T. Smith, D.R. & Schneider, J.M. 2007. The age and evolution of sociality in Stegodyphus spiders: A molecular phylogenetic approach. Proc. R. Soc. London, 274: 231—237.
  • Lubin, Y. 2006. Spiders as generalist predators: a dryland agroecosystems perspective. Phytoparasitica, 34: 327—330.
  • Segoli, M., Lubin, Y. and Harari, A. R. 2007. The effect of dietary restriction on the lifespan of males in a web-building spider. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 9: 697—704.
  • Bilde, T., Coates, K. S., Birkhofer, K., Bird, T., Maklakov, A. A., Lubin, Y. and Aviles, L. 2007. Survival benefits select for group living in a social spider despite reproductive costs. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 20: 2412—2426.
  • Salomon, M. and Lubin, Y. 2007. Cooperative breeding increases reproductive success in the social spider Stegodyphus dumicola (Araneae, Eresidae). Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology, 61: 1743—1750
  • Lubin, Y. and Bilde, T. 2007. The evolution of sociality in spiders. Advances in the Study of Behavior, 37: 83-145
  • Pluess, T., Opatovsky, I. Gavish-Regev, E., Lubin, Y. and Schmidt, M. H. 2008. Species richness and densities of spiders in wheat-fields and semi-desert in the Negev (Israel). Journal of Arachnology, 36: 368—373.
  • Shachak M., Boeken B., Groner E., Kadmon R., Lubin Y., Meron. E., Neeman G., Perevolotsky A., Shkedy Y. and Ungar E. 2008. Woody species as landscape modulators and their effect on biodiversity patterns. Bioscience, 58: 209—221.
  • Gavish-Regev, E., Lubin, Y. and Coll, M. 2008. Migration patterns and functional groups of spiders in a desert agroecosystem. Ecological Entomology, 33: 202—212.
  • Segoli, M, Lubin, Y, & Harari, A.R. 2008. Frequency and consequences of damage to the male copulatory organ in a widow spider. Journal of Arachnology, 36: 533—537.
  • Segoli, M, Arieli, R, Sierwald, P, Harari, A.R. & Lubin, Y. 2008. Sexual cannibalism in the brown widow spider (Latrodectus geometricus). Ethology, 114: 279—286.
  • Gavish-Regev, E., Rotkopf, R., Lubin, Y. and Coll, M. 2008. Consumption of aphids by spiders and the effect of additional prey: evidence from microcosm experiments. BioControl, 54: 341—350 (10.1007/s10526-008-9170-0)
  • Rezac, M., Pekar, S. and Lubin, Y. 2008. How oniscophagous spiders overcome woodlouse armour. Journal of Zoology 275: 64-71.
  • Salomon, M., Mayntz, D. & Lubin, Y. 2008. Colony nutrition skews reproduction in a social spider. Behavioral Ecology 19: 605—611.
  • Lubin, Y., Birkhofer, K., Berger-Tal, R. & Bilde, T. 2009. Limited male dispersal in a social spider with extreme inbreeding. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 97: 227—234.
  • Pekár S. & Lubin Y. 2009. Prey and predatory behaviour of two zodariid spiders (Araneae: Zodariidae). Journal of Arachnology, 37: 118—121.
  • Smith, D.R., van Rijn, S., Henschel. J.R., Bilde, T. & Lubin, Y. 2009. AFLP fingerprints support limited gene flow among social spider populations. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 97: 235—246.
  • Harari, A., Ziv, M. & Lubin, Y. 2009. Conflict or cooperation in the courtship display of the white widow spider. Journal of Arachnology, 37: 254—260.
  • Gottlieb, D., Holtzman, J.P., Lubin, Y., Bouskila, A., Kelly, S.T. & Harari, A.R. 2009. Mate availability contributes to maintain the mixed mating system in a scolytid beetle. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 22: 1526—1534
  • Opatovsky, I. Pluess, T., Schmidt-Entling, M.H. Gavish-Regev, E., Lubin, Y. 2010. Are spider assemblages in fragmented, semi-desert habitat affected by increasing cover of agricultural crops? Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 135: 233—237.
  • Pluess, T., Opatovsky, I., Gavish-Regev, E., Lubin, Y. & Schmidt-Entling, M.H. 2010. Non-crop habitats enhance spider diversity in wheat fields of a desert agroecosystem. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 137: 68-74
  • Salomon, M, Mayntz, D., Toft, S. & Lubin, Y. 2011. Maternal nutrition affects offspring performance via maternal care in a subsocial spider. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology, 65: 1191—1202
  • Scharf, I., Lubin, Y. & Ovadia, O. 2010. Foraging decisions and behavioural flexibility in trap-building predators: a review. Biological Reviews, 86: 626—639
  • Rao, D. & Lubin, Y. 2010. Conditions favoring group living in web-building spiders in an extreme desert environment. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution, 56: 21-33.
  • Gottlieb, D., Bouskila, A., Sitkov-Sharon, G., Lubin, Y. Harari, A.R. & Taylor, P. 2010. Female date-palm beetles adjust their sex ratio according to relatedness of female neighbors. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 12: 885—896.
  • Leborgne, R., Lubin, Y & Pasquet, A. 2011. Kleptoparasites influence foraging behaviour of the spider Stegodyphus lineatus (Araneae, Eresidae). Insectes Sociaux 58:255-261
  • Gottlieb, D., Lubin, Y. Bouskila, A., Gordon, D. Harari, A.R. 2011. Time limitation affects offspring traits and female’s fitness through maternal oviposition behavior. Biol. J. Linnean Soc. 102: 728—736.
  • Berger-Tal, O, Polak, T, Oron, A. Lubin, Y, Kotler, BP, and Saltz, D. 2011. Integrating animal behavior and conservation biology: a conceptual framework. Behavioral Ecology, 22:236-239.
  • Mestre, L. & Lubin, Y. 2011. Settling where the food is: prey abundance promotes colony formation and increases group size in a web-building spider. Animal Behaviour 81: 741—748
  • Lubin, Y., Angel, N. & Assaf, N. 2011. Ground spider communities in experimentally disturbed Mediterranean woodland habitats. Arachnologische Mitteilungen, 40: 85-93.
  • Berger-Tal, R. & Lubin, Y. 2011. High male mate search costs and a female-biased sex ratio shape the male mating strategy in a desert spider. Animal Behaviour, 82:853-859
  • Pekar, S., Sobotnik, J & Lubin, Y. 2011. Armoured spiderman: Morphological and behavioural adaptations of a specialized araneophagic predator (Araneae: Palpimanidae). Naturwissenschaften, 98:593-603
  • Birkhofer, K., Henschel, J. & Lubin, Y. 2012. Effects of extreme climatic events on small-scale spatial patterns: a 20-year study of the distribution of a desert spider. Oecologia, 170: 651—657
  • Johannesen, J., Wennmann, J.T. & Lubin, Y. 2012. Dispersal behavior and colony structure in a colonial spider. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 66:1387-1398
  • Opatovsky, I., Chapman, E.G., Weintraub, P.G., Lubin, Y. & Harwood, J.D. 2012. Molecular characterization of the differential role of immigrant and agrobiont generalist predators in pest suppression. Biological Control, 63: 25-30.
  • Opatovsky, I. & Lubin, Y. 2012. Coping with abrupt decline in habitat quality: Effects of harvest on spider abundance and movement. Acta Oecologica, 41: 14-19.
  • Berger-Tal, R., Tuni, C., Lubin, Y., Smith, D., and Bilde, T. 2013. Fitness consequences of outcrossing in a social spider with an inbreeding mating system. Evolution, in press.
  • Gottlieb, D., Lubin, Y. & Harari, A. 2013. Partial ‘local mate competition’ explains the high prevalence of unmated females in the population. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology, in press.
  • Birkhofer, K., T. Bird, T. Bilde & Y. Lubin. 2014. Spatial patterns of social spider colonies in Namibia reflect habitat features and dispersal modes. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa.
